💎 Is Illegal Services open source?
Yes, under the General Public License v3.0 (GNU GPLv3).

💎 Is Illegal Services illegal?
Illegal Services is legal, but services provided inside are mostly illegal.
Illegal Services does not store any copyrighted files locally or on its server.
All content are provided by non-affiliated third parties.
You are solely responsible for their use at your own risk.

💎 Why is Illegal Services detected by many antiviruses?
The source code is converted from batch to executable using https://www.abyssmedia.com/quickbfc/
This conversion process leads to believe that it is a virus.
It is therefore a false positive result.

💎 Why does Illegal Services keep telling me that a file is missing?
It must be your antivirus that quarantined the file(s).
You must add this file(s) or Illegal Services PATH to its whitelist or deactivate it.

💎 Why does Illegal Services ask for administrator privileges?
The administrator privileges are required for:
"IP Port Scanning", "Windows Repair", "Windows Tweaks" and "Windows Game Booster".

💎 Why is Illegal Services x IS.bookmarks.html soooooo slow to start?
This is known to be Windows Defender or an other antivirus doing it's
security scans on 'bookmarks_parser.exe' before to run it...
We recommend whitelisting the Illegal Services folder in your antivirus software(s)
to fix this issue and prevent a similar issue in the future.

💎 What is the difference between build and release updates?
Build updates are updates that do not require you to update the installer.
They are mostly used to update "Illegal_Services.exe".
These are the last 2 digits of the version number (vx.x.[x.x]).
Release updates are updates that requires updating the installer.
They are only used to update Illegal Services dependencies.
These are the first 2 digits of the version number (v[x.x].x.x).

💎 With which operating systems is Illegal Services compatible?
Windows 10 and 11 (x86/x64).

💎 Can you make Illegal Services compatible with more operating system?
No, because the source code of Illegal Services is made in Batch,
and this can only be run on a Windows machine.
That said, IS Bookmarks and IS Bookmarks web extension (GitHub repository)
can be accessed through any web browser.

💎 In which languages is Illegal Services developed?
98% Batch, 1% PowerShell, 1% VBScript.

💎 When did you start Illegal Services project ?
v1.0.0.0 - 22/05/2020